Starting from the idea of deconstructing typography, reducing it to the simplest shapes. We decided to start painting shapes that could be part of a letter. We each picked five of our favorite shapes to form the base of a new typeface.
After having made a first sketch, we decided to keep things different. Instead of working on our typefaces individually, we would switch every day. Working on someone elses work, being able to change everything.
The final typefaces are shown in a book that consists of 40 individual posters that have been folded into one book.
︎Book design, 2018
Collaboration with
Sam Reith, Merel Ijpelaar and Franziska Froebe.


Paste and fold is a research project inspired by flyposting. Taking a playful and craftlike approach to street aesthetics and culture; this project is disrupting the status quo by putting up works in public space, completely covering objects in print. Celebrating printmaking as a playful protest that is challenging our spatial awareness.
Inviting people to take part in this playful protest, paste&fold provides a publication with a set of pasting rules as well as materials to experience pasting and packaging for yourself.
︎Graduation, 2022
This typeface is created by participating in the 2020 Saturday Type Fever organized by NoFoundry situated at HfG Karlsruhe.
A 30-hour type design marathon, filled with workshops, talks, and everything else typography. The inspiration for this typeface was the futuristic Neo from The Matrix,1999.
With 530, we also hosted two workshops during Saturday Night Fever. One of them was hosted by me in collaboration with Kuan Ting Chen:
See and Seek, 2020
︎Type design, 2020


In the context of working with big chunks of data; this book is an extract from a database of Kickstarter projects.
It shows all the startups that have zero backers. Highlighting those that have been successful whilst having zero backers. Showing the mystery of having a successful crowdfunding campaign without having any backers.
︎Book design, 2019
On the 7th of June 2019 the second years students of the graphic design department from ArtEZ hosted an exhibition named ‘Algorithmic Fitness’. We live in a time where more and more algorithms make decisions for us: what we consume, what we know or how to go from A to B. This exhibition showed methods of critiquing or challenging those algorithms.
The identity uses stickers, posters and moving image. The sport attributes on the posters are randomly placed by an algorithm. Referring to a finite set of unambiguous instructions.
In total we created 100 unique posters. The exhibition was a variety of works all somehow connected to an algorithm that we encounter on a daily basis.
︎Identity design, 2019
Collaboration with Boetie Zijlstra and Wessel Pingen